Cross-Cultural Competencies in Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI): A Primer for Business Instructors
higher education, language, culture, Hispanic serving institution (HIS), andragogy, pedagogyAbstract
Graduates from Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Business (STEMB) schools are in high demand, driven by technological advancements and expanding industries. While these graduates excel in quantitative and empirical skills, there’s a recognized need for improved interpersonal abilities. This paper responds by introducing culturally sensitive elements to enhance pedagogical approaches in academic settings, focusing on business schools in Hispanic Serving Institutions. Unlike some diversity training programs, which may employ shame-oriented methods, our research prioritizes understanding cultural nuances. Specifically tailored to enrich the educational experience of Hispanic students, this approach aims to bridge skill gaps and foster inclusivity, contributing to the overall proficiency and adaptability of STEMB graduates in a dynamic labor market.
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