The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Between Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation of Predoctoral Researchers at German Professorships


  • Sabine Lauer TU Dortmund University
  • Uwe Wilkesmann TU Dortmund University



higher education, self-determination theory, work motivation, predoctoral researchers, transformational leadership, basic psychological needs, professorships, Germany


This study examines the relationship between predoctoral researchers’ perceptions of transformational leadership and their autonomous work motivation, with basic psychological need satisfaction (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) as a mediator. Based on the full range leadership model and self-determination theory, hypotheses are tested using an online survey (n=1,969) conducted from March to May 2022 among professors and their academic staff at German research universities in the fields of business administration, biology, mechanical engineering, and sociology. For the subsample of predoctoral researchers (n=1,005), the structural equation model reveals that transformational leadership increases autonomous work motivation through perceived autonomy and competence, whereas perceived relatedness has a negative effect. In addition, academic career aspirations positively influence autonomous work motivation, while gender has no significant effect. These findings highlight the role of transformational leadership in promoting basic psychological needs satisfaction among emerging scientists.


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How to Cite

Lauer, S., & Wilkesmann, U. (2024). The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Between Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation of Predoctoral Researchers at German Professorships. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8).


