Development of Learning Management Model of Collaborative Learning and Positive Coaching on Cloud Computing System


  • Thaksina Noppakhunwong King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
  • Thiyaporn Kantathanawat King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
  • Paitoon Pimdee King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang



higher education, cloud computing, collaborative learning, positive coaching


This study aims to systematically review the learning management model on cloud computing system using collaborative learning and positive coaching. The author uses the literature review to synthesize research as the main process to study related documents, books, research studies, and articles both domestically and internationally. They are selected by purposive sampling for 69 topics. The documents are analyzed by systematic review. This study is a qualitative study and uses content analysis by using keywords to discover three issues as follows: Cloud computing, Collaborative learning, and Positive coaching. From the results of this study, Cloud computing comprises six components: Cloud learning content, Cloud collaboration, Cloud communication, Cloud creation, Cloud presentation, and Cloud evaluation. The collaborative learning process has five steps as follows: Engagement phase, Exploration phase, Transformation phase, Presentation phase, and Reflection phase. Positive coaching comprises five process as follows: Construct the positive relation, Set a clear and challenging goal, Implement a challenging goal to smooth practice, Set a more challenging goal and practice smoothly, and Evaluate and expand the experience, reward the outcome and discovery.


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How to Cite

Noppakhunwong, T., Kantathanawat, T., & Pimdee, P. (2024). Development of Learning Management Model of Collaborative Learning and Positive Coaching on Cloud Computing System. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8).


