Student Satisfaction With Learning Experience and Its Impact on Likelihood Recommending University: Net Promotor Score Approach


  • Musa Pinar Valparaiso University
  • Coleen Wilder Valparaiso University
  • Matthew Luth Valparaiso University
  • Tulay Girard Penn State Altoona



higher education, student satisfaction, net promoter score, getting recommended, university experience


Like any business, universities realize the importance and relevance of customer satisfaction that leads to customer recommendations, which is vital to their long-term success, survival, and growth. This study examines university students’ satisfaction with various aspects of their college learning experience, recommending a university as measured by Net Promoter Score (NPS), and the influence of factors related to student satisfaction on the likelihood of recommending the university. The survey results, based on 220 responses from current students, identify students’ satisfaction with the factors included in the study, where students had the highest satisfaction with the attribute ‘feeling support by faculty and staff.’ The study also found that the NPS is -0.40, indicating that students are not likely to recommend this university to other potential students, where NPS varies by gender, class level, and major. In addition, a regression analysis identifies factors to predict the likelihood of recommending this university. These findings offer insights to university administrators for designing strategies to improve student satisfaction and procure recommendations.


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How to Cite

Pinar, M., Wilder, C., Luth, M., & Girard, T. (2024). Student Satisfaction With Learning Experience and Its Impact on Likelihood Recommending University: Net Promotor Score Approach. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8).


