Mentorship Matters: Exploring Experiences With, and Perceptions of, Mentorship in an Undergraduate Sample


  • Elizabeth Valenti Grand Canyon University
  • Lori J. Cooper Grand Canyon University
  • Magen Branham Grand Canyon University



higher education, undergraduate mentorship, mentorship perceptions, mentoring resources, student success


Mentorship is crucial for undergraduate students’ success, yet its definition varies widely. Understanding the nuances of mentorship experiences and perceptions is vital for optimizing mentorship programs and promoting student success. This study investigated undergraduate students’ experiences with, and perceptions of, mentorship, examining its relationship with GPA and demographic variables. A sample of 137 undergraduate students from a private Christian university participated in the study. Data were collected through an online questionnaire containing both qualitative and quantitative measures. While no significant overall relationship between mentorship and GPA was found, complex differences emerged across demographic variables. Significant differences were observed between genders in perceptions of professors and overall mentorship scale. Ethnicity was associated with experiences with mentorship and GPA, highlighting potential biases in mentor-mentee selection. Findings underscore the importance of addressing biases in mentorship selection processes and increasing faculty diversity to meet the needs of diverse student populations. Further research should explore mentorship in community colleges and vocational institutions, prioritizing access to mentorship resources for fostering a supportive learning environment.


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How to Cite

Valenti, E., Cooper, L. J., & Branham, M. (2024). Mentorship Matters: Exploring Experiences With, and Perceptions of, Mentorship in an Undergraduate Sample. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8).


