A Systematic Review of Online Teaching Methods in Higher Education


  • Robby B. Robinson University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • Amber E. Benedict Arizona State University
  • Amy M. Papacek Arizona State University
  • Germaine Koziarski Arizona State University




higher education, teacher education, online teaching, online instruction, pandemic, strategies, methods


Since the pandemic began, online teaching methods have received increased interest and review. Educators rapidly developed delivery techniques to meet the needs of students forced to become remote learners. Some of these methods were successful; others did not meet program objectives, especially in educator preparation programs (EPPs). The speed of changing to an online environment limited the ability of educators to research and adapt known evidenced-based practices. This systematic literature review provides research and insight into student-focused outcomes related to effective online teaching practices. Over 600 articles, across multiple disciplines were reviewed based on research and results using different techniques, pedagogy, and design in the online environment. The five main strategies, methods, or philosophies that most affected student outcomes in the online community were engagement, collaboration, beliefs, knowledge, and enactment of knowledge/practice. Each topic is discussed in depth and recommendations are made for effective online teaching and also specific applications to EPPs.


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How to Cite

Robinson, R. B., Benedict, A. E., Papacek, A. M., & Koziarski, G. (2024). A Systematic Review of Online Teaching Methods in Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v24i8.7196


