Strategy to Increase the Effectiveness of Differentiated Learning


  • Nandang Hidayat Universitas Pakuan
  • Henny Suharyati Universitas Pakuan
  • Restu Sanubari Universitas Pakuan



higher education, achievement-motivation, academic supervision, differentiated learning effectiveness, organizational culture


Implementing differentiated learning is a challenge for schools that are not yet “Sekolah Penggerak”. This research aims to formulate a strategy to increase the effectiveness of differentiated learning, especially in private junior high schools that implement the "Independent Curriculum" independently. The strategy is formulated based on a structural model between the effectiveness of differentiated learning variables with academic supervision and exogenous organizational culture variables and achievement motivation as an intervening variable. This cross-sectional research was conducted on 182 private junior high school teachers in Cibinong District, Bogor, who were randomly selected proportionally. SmarPLS 3 software was used to help analyze the data. The results of this research conclude that academic supervision, organizational culture, and achievement motivation are important factors in increasing the effectiveness of differentiated learning. Achievement motivation mediates the influence of academic supervision and organizational culture on the effectiveness of differentiated learning. The effectiveness of differentiated learning can be increased by implementing academic supervision strategies and organizational culture that can increase teacher achievement motivation.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, N., Suharyati, H., & Sanubari, R. (2024). Strategy to Increase the Effectiveness of Differentiated Learning. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(6).


