Course-Embedded Advising for International Students: Opportunities for Engagement Building


  • Michelle Dennis Dale Kietzman University



higher education, course-embedded advising, international students, engagement, online education, online teaching, access to education, quality in online education


This pilot involved the implementation of a course-embedded advising model in a graduate level ethics course of a small international university. Online education has been employed to reduce the effects of massification and target resources (Franco et al., 2019; Yann & Ibrahim, 2020) with the aim of increasing assess to education in underserved and developing countries. Online education improves access but access alone does not suffice. Quality in online courses, determined in part by engagement, is one factor that may address inequity of access Adarkwah (2021). Lessons learned and future directions are discussed in the context of Self-Determination Theory.


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How to Cite

Dennis, M. (2024). Course-Embedded Advising for International Students: Opportunities for Engagement Building. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(6).


