Transfer of Training and Awareness of Learning Style: The TOTALS Capstone Experience


  • Justin W. Carter University of North Alabama
  • Barry A. Cumbie University of North Alabama
  • Jeremy Stafford University of North Alabama
  • Jana P. Beaver University of North Alabama



higher education, transfer of training, learning style, Capstone simulation, experiential learning, team-based learning


Building on the research foundations of the traditional team-based business simulation environment, we present a new Transfer of Training and Awareness of Learning Style (TOTALS) Capstone model that draws from Organizational and Transfer of Training literature. This research-to-practice insight supports and describes how the Capstone simulation is sequenced with a team-based learning experience first and individual application second, thereby mirroring corporate training practices. This approach allows students to collaborate and exchange ideas, emulating workplace dynamics, and then demonstrate their understanding and skills during individual rounds. The model incorporates a reflection exercise to foster self-awareness of students’ learning styles and the best possible self, an important step toward empowering them to implement the skills and knowledge gained while working with a team. Lastly, we present results of an exploratory study that indicate that students of the Accommodator learning type are well-positioned to successfully transfer knowledge from training into individual success.


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How to Cite

Carter, J. W., Cumbie, B. A., Stafford, J., & Beaver, J. P. (2024). Transfer of Training and Awareness of Learning Style: The TOTALS Capstone Experience. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(3).


