Dialogic Learning as a Strategy for Reflection and Development of Communication in Initial Teacher Training


  • María del Mar Camús Ferri University of Alicante
  • Marcos Jesús Iglesias Martínez University of Alicante
  • Inés Lozano Cabezas University of Alicante




higher education, dialogical literary gatherings, communication skills, reflection, teacher training, learning communities


The dialogical literary gatherings are a methodological strategy that can enrich teacher training as they promote deep reading, thinking and communication among students. This paper aims to explore the perceptions the use of the dialogical literary gatherings as a strategy that favors communication and reflection in Higher Education students. The results show high benefits about the dialogical literary gatherings after having experienced its development in the university context, that are useful to develop communicative skills in educational contexts as teachers and education professionals and, specially, to teacher education in Early Childhood Education. After completing this experience, it is possible to conclude that the students’ communicative competence has improved, and other abilities linked to the thinking process, such as reflection and metacognition, have been fostered, improving the practical skills of the teacher in training and, in addition, allowing him/her to overcome the training scenario in which he/she finds him/herself to prepare his/her work as a communicator and researcher- reflexive teacher of his/her educational practice.




How to Cite

Ferri, M. del M. C., Martínez, M. J. I., & Cabezas, I. L. (2022). Dialogic Learning as a Strategy for Reflection and Development of Communication in Initial Teacher Training. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(10). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v22i10.5394


