Turning a Problem into a Solution: Instructional Benefits of Using ExamSoft to Map Multiple-Choice Responses


  • Dan Cernusca North Dakota State University
  • David M. Scott
  • Daniel L. Friesner North Dakota State University


Higher Education, Teaching


In this paper, we propose a simple method to minimize the effects of each of the previously mentioned issues associated with the design and administration of assessments that use multiple-choice items. We analyzed multiple-choice questions with possible responses to express fundamentally different thought processes and/or knowledge. A case study built around an introductory health care course shows how a specialized assessment software platform helped map assessment questions back to curricular outcomes identifying where the curriculum was effective, and where needed improvement. Our results indicate that incorrect responses were more informative in identifying and addressing curricular gaps than the correct responses.




How to Cite

Cernusca, D., Scott, D. M., & Friesner, D. L. (2017). Turning a Problem into a Solution: Instructional Benefits of Using ExamSoft to Map Multiple-Choice Responses. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 17(7). Retrieved from https://mail.articlegateway.com/index.php/JHETP/article/view/1465


