Engaging Virtual Learners: Moving Classroom as Organization Online


  • Debby Thomas George Fox University
  • Stacie F. Chappell Vancouver Island University
  • Ray Luechtefeld University of Central Missouri




higher education, Classroom as Organization (CAO), online teaching, experiential learning, online experiential learning


The global shift toward online learning and remote work necessitated the transition of a highly experiential course to a virtual environment, challenging the assumption that Classroom-as-Organization (CAO), a teaching methodology designed to foster student engagement, skill development and deep learning, is limited to face-to-face (F2F) delivery. This article explores the process of adapting CAO’s interactive and immersive elements for online platforms, addressing both the challenges and opportunities presented by this transition. By reviewing the CAO literature, which predominantly focuses on F2F applications, we reflect on the complexities of translating such a dynamic pedagogy to online learning and propose potential avenues for future research on the effectiveness of CAO in virtual settings.


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How to Cite

Thomas, D., Chappell, S. F., & Luechtefeld, R. (2025). Engaging Virtual Learners: Moving Classroom as Organization Online. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(12). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v24i12.7461


