Digital Competencies and Techno-Stress in Teachers at a Public University in Ancash, Peru


  • Geraldine Amelia Avila-Sánchez Universidad César Vallejo
  • Josue Nina-Cuchillo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Jeiden Revilla-Arce Universidad Nacional de Jaén
  • Rosa Candelaria Ramirez-Heredia Universidad Científica Del Sur
  • Daniel Jesús Castro-Vargas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota
  • Enoc Eusebio Nina-Cuchillo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



higher education, digital competencies, techno-stress, online learning


In the digital era, integrating digital competencies in teaching has become crucial. However, this change is challenging, and techno-stress is a relevant concern. This research aimed to determine the relationship between digital competencies and the technostress of remote teachers at a public university in Ancash, Peru. The study was basic, descriptive correlational, non-experimental, and cross-sectional. The population included 168 remote-mode teachers at the undergraduate level and the sample consisted of 90 teachers, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The results showed that digital competencies are at a regular level (48.90%) while technostress is at a moderate level (45.60%). Finally, it is concluded that digital competencies are significantly related to technostress. In addition, the value of Spearman’s Rho coefficient (-0.702) confirms that the degree of correlation is negative and high.


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How to Cite

Avila-Sánchez, G. A., Nina-Cuchillo, J., Revilla-Arce, J., Ramirez-Heredia, R. C., Castro-Vargas, D. J., & Nina-Cuchillo, E. E. (2024). Digital Competencies and Techno-Stress in Teachers at a Public University in Ancash, Peru. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(4).


