Effectiveness of Learning Strategies in University Students: A Review of the Literature
higher education, learning strategy, study skills, effective learning, cognitive strategies, meaningful learningAbstract
Learning strategies are procedures that should be applied depending on the characteristics and needs of students in order to facilitate the transfer of learning. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of learning strategies in university students in order to identify the main strategies that are most effective in higher education work, providing predictive standards that contribute to the educational process. In this way, a contribution is given to the academic entities so that students have greater effectiveness and productivity in learning. For the study, the method of argumentative criticism was used through the compilation of different current articles on learning strategies that accredit relevant results. According to the review, it was evidenced that there are academic, methodological and attitudinal aspects that influence the effectiveness of learning strategies, providing a greater application in the educational organization. In this sense, learning strategies should be designed according to the spaces and priorities of the students. Likewise, technological tools should be involved in order to dynamize the educational challenges.
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