Use of Web Tools in University Students for the Elaboration of Their Own Learning Environments (PLE)


  • Cinthya Virginia Soto Hidalgo Universidad César Vallejo
  • Angel Salvatierra Melgar Universidad Cesar Vallejo
  • Yrene Cecilia Uribe-Hernández Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • Samuel Josue Graciano García Universidad Nacional mayor de san Marcos
  • Daniel Angel Ramos-Fuentes Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
  • Gina Katherine Céspedes-Cáceres Universidad César Vallejo Trujillo – Perú



higher education, web tools, PLE, digital skills, self-directed learning


This article highlights the importance of guiding the student towards the search for new tools that help him to fulfil tasks oriented to work and study. For this, a review of research articles that rescue active methodologies and the implementation of strategies by the teacher to guide students to autonomous learning is carried out. Among the objectives are: to define new ways of coping with a teaching methodology through a flipped classroom, identifying integrating activities that can be developed in a virtual environment to finally design evaluation activities that allow the student to self-evaluate and identify which it is your cognitive conflict and overcome it. The results are based on the coincidences and discrepancies of 11 articles that demonstrate the existing limitations. It is concluded that the responsibility lies with the students to take control and manage their learning.




How to Cite

Soto Hidalgo, C. V., Salvatierra Melgar, A., Uribe-Hernández, Y. C., Graciano García, S. J., Ramos-Fuentes, D. A., & Céspedes-Cáceres, G. K. (2023). Use of Web Tools in University Students for the Elaboration of Their Own Learning Environments (PLE). Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(6).


