Personal Values as Regulators of Teacher Burnout


  • Olena Savchenko Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadym Hetman
  • Larysa Korvat Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadym Hetman
  • Tetiana Kovalkova Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadym Hetman
  • Antonina Lovochkina Taras Shevchenko National University
  • Svitlana Kalishchuk Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Mariia Yelina Kyiv National Economic University Named After Vadym Hetman



higher education, job burnout, burnout symptoms diagnostics, personal value, self-regulation, correction, prevention


The aim was to identify the means of correction and prevention of burnout syndrome in college teachers who switched to online teaching during the period of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive and experimental research designs were used to achieve the aim. Causal relationships were defined using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlational analysis. The Fisher’s angular transform criterion and the Mann–Whitney U test (STATISTICA 10.0) were used to determine the psychological characteristics of teachers with different levels of burnout syndrome. Boyko’s Emotional Burnout Inventory and Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) were used for diagnosis. The practical recommendations for college administrations were developed based on the causal relationships revealed in the results. It was found that the system of personal values could be an effective regulator of the personal state in difficult situations.




How to Cite

Savchenko, O., Korvat, L., Kovalkova, T., Lovochkina, A., Kalishchuk, S., & Yelina, M. (2022). Personal Values as Regulators of Teacher Burnout. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(16).


