Future Preschool Teachers’ Search and Research Skills Formation During Professional Training


  • Yuliіa O. Volynets Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Nadiia V. Stadnik Kyiv Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute
  • Kateryna I. Volynets Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Olena V. Matushevska Kyiv Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute
  • Nataliia I. Melnyk National Aviation University




higher education, research activities, future educators, pedagogical practice, knowledge and skills


Based on the established essential characteristics and the structure of professional training of students, taking into account the results of the observational experiment, the levels of future preschools’ teachers search and research skills formation of preschool institutions were determined. The methods of scientific research were the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, educational documentation on pedagogical practice, questionnaires of future educators, as well as observation of research activities of students of higher education institutions. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research, conducting a statement experiment made it possible to establish the features of the structural elements of research activities. The research experiment made it possible to check the level of formation of research skills in students – future educators of preschool education, as well as how they master the motivational-value, content-procedural, research components of professional training, acquire knowledge and research skills. The results of the inspection were carried out in accordance with the developed criteria, indicators and levels of research skills of future educators of preschool educational institutions.




How to Cite

Volynets, Y. O., Stadnik, N. V., Volynets, K. I., Matushevska, O. V., & Melnyk, N. I. (2021). Future Preschool Teachers’ Search and Research Skills Formation During Professional Training. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(14). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v21i14.4817


