A Pedagogic Approach by Contextual Immersion


  • Samuel Ismael Billong, IV University of Yaoundé I Cameroun
  • Bernabe Batchakui University of Yaoundé I Cameroun
  • Simo Nono University of Yaoundé I Cameroun
  • Georges Kouamou University of Yaoundé I Cameroun




Higher Education, contextual immersion, pedagogical differentiation, captivating playful, competency-based approach, techno-pedagogical tools


In several training institutions in sub-Saharan Africa today, the competency-based approach to teaching (CBA) has been adopted at the secondary school level. In Cameroon, based on our experience in teaching, we have found that this approach does not suit all categories of learners, generally the youngest. With the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), learners spend most of their time on ICT’s gadgets (mobile phone, tablet, etc ...). In this paper, we propose a complement to the CBA approach through pedagogic differentiation. This differentiation takes into account the learner's environment and adds a playful and captivating aspect to the techno-pedagogic tools to be made available to them through the gadgets they use. We call this approach contextual immersion. It starts from real life situation familiar to the learner. The tool made available to the learner, which integrates this approach, guides him/her progressively towards the solution to the problem posed and a generalization that summarizes the course that will be transmitted.




How to Cite

Billong, IV, S. I., Batchakui, B., Nono, S., & Kouamou, G. (2020). A Pedagogic Approach by Contextual Immersion. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(9). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v20i9.3647


