Team-Based Interactive Student Learning for Accounting Courses
Higher Education, Accounting, Team-based, Millennials, Small-group, Student engagement, undergraduate accounting courseAbstract
Student engagement is difficult to achieve in an undergraduate accounting course, especially a class with a heavy proportion of millennials. In accounting courses, students tend to be disengaged and offer minimal voluntary participation, and yet from pedagogical research, student participation assists learning. To increase student participation, the instructor implemented small-group, team activities in several accounting classes. Research indicates that team activities may improve learning, but this approach had two other purposes: to get students to enjoy coming to the class and to practice working in groups, which is useful in the accounting profession. By both objective and subjective measures, this approach achieved favorable results. Comparing the classes with small-group teams and those without, the classes with the team learning scored higher on exams. Also, the students in the classes with smallgroup teams reported that the regular team activities were both their favorite and the most beneficial aspect of the class.