Contribution of Women in Household Income— Based Perspective on Production


  • Mitsuhiko Iyoda Momoyama Gakuin University



business diversity, analysis by family type, income and work-hour differentials, value of unpaid work, women’s contribution to household production


Analyses by family type based on age brackets are useful for structural analysis. We confirmed substantial wage-earning differences between the sexes, full- and part-timers, and large-work hour differences between the sexes. Unpaid work using opportunity cost is generally underestimated because of the Japanese seniority-based wage system. Then, we tried to make adjusted indices to account for wage-earnings and work-our differentials. We compare three kinds of income –market income, broad income (including unpaid work values) and adjusted income--in terms of the contribution of married women to family income. The disproportionate burden placed on women was highlighted.


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How to Cite

Iyoda, M. (2024). Contribution of Women in Household Income— Based Perspective on Production. Journal of Business Diversity, 24(4).


