The Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) 2021-2026, the Women, and Their Health
business diversity, Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021–2026, National Health Equity Program 2021–2027, women, health, Italian National Health ServiceAbstract
For women, the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026 has meant the strengthening of important policies for work and maternity. For women’s health, this Plan with the National Health Equity Program 2021-2027 have meant addressing the shortcomings of territorial and gender medicine, the regional gaps in the provision of the Essential Levels of Care of the National Health Service and strengthening the screenings for female cancers. The paper highlights how after the conclusion of these plans, the Italian National Health Service will have to identify a long-term strategy to ensure uniformity of services for women ’s health in all Italian regions.
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