The Effect of QR Codes on Tipping Behavior and the Link Between QR Codes and Environmental Concern


  • Marianne Rexer Wilkes University
  • HyeRyeon Lee Wilkes University
  • Anna Ma Wilkes University
  • Grace Xiao Wilkes University
  • Woojun Lee Wilkes University



strategic innovation, QR codes, tipping, environmental cues, sustainability, consumer behavior


This study explores the integration of QR code tipping as a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional tipping practices. As digitalization transforms consumer behavior, QR codes have emerged as a versatile tool that streamlines financial transactions and reduces the environmental impact associated with paper-based systems (Ozturkcan & Kitapci, 2023). The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the necessity for contactless interactions, positioning QR codes as essential in minimizing health risks while promoting eco-friendly practices (Alamoudi, 2022). Research results indicate that environmentally conscious consumers are more inclined to adopt QR code tipping, motivated to minimize resource consumption and support sustainable initiatives (Ozturkcan & Kitapci, 2023). This shift in behavior highlights the potential of QR codes to influence positive changes in consumer habits, encouraging adopting sustainable practices in everyday transactions. The widespread implementation of QR code tipping could significantly advance sustainability goals within the service industry, offering a practical solution that balances convenience with environmental responsibility. As awareness and acceptance of this technology increase, QR code tipping is set to become a cornerstone of a more sustainable and responsible future.


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How to Cite

Rexer, M., Lee, H., Ma, A., Xiao, G., & Lee, W. (2024). The Effect of QR Codes on Tipping Behavior and the Link Between QR Codes and Environmental Concern. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(4).


