Counterproductive Work Behaviors to Cope With Person-Organization Misfit


  • Brian R. Kinard University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Subhra Chakrabarty Eastern Oregon University



organizational psychology, person-organization fit, counterproductive work behaviors, conservation of resources, recruitment


A random sample of employees was surveyed to explore the effect of person-organization fit on counterproductive work behaviors. There was a significant negative relationship between person-organization fit and counterproductive work behaviors. A lack of person-organization fit may be construed by employees as a depletion of psychological resource. As the conservation of resources theory (Hofboll, 1989) argues, it appears that employees may have replenished the loss of this psychological resource (person-organization fit) by engaging in counterproductive work behaviors. Consequently, organizations should assess the person-organization fit of all employees and prevent the negative consequences of counterproductive work behaviors. The findings have several implications for practitioners.


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How to Cite

Kinard, B. R., & Chakrabarty, S. (2024). Counterproductive Work Behaviors to Cope With Person-Organization Misfit. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 24(3).


