Bidding to Host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games: Continuing Issues or a Turning Point?


  • James W. Fairfield-Sonn University of Hartford



management policy, Summer Olympic Games, International Olympic Committee, host city bidding policies and practices, institutional theory, organizational development


Since 1896, when Athens held the first edition of the Modern-era Summer Olympic Games, one of the distinctive features of these sporting events has always been the willingness of a major urban city to host the events. After three of the five official candidates bidding to host the 2024 version of the Summer Olympic Games withdrew their applications, it raised serious questions about the efficacy of the policies and practices governing the bidding process. An institutional theory perspective is used here to analyze this situation and the organizers’ response. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.


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How to Cite

Fairfield-Sonn, J. W. (2025). Bidding to Host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games: Continuing Issues or a Turning Point? . Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 25(4).


