Destigmatizing Cannabis: A Theoretical Exploration of Shifting Consumption Norms in the U.S. Legal Market


  • Mine Üçok Hughes California State University, Los Angeles
  • Ekin Pehlivan California State University, Channel Islands



management policy, cannabis, stigma, destigmatization, normativization


This study explores the destigmatization of stigmatized consumption, focusing on the evolving landscape of legal cannabis in the United States. With global adult-use cannabis sales projected to surpass 33 billion U.S. dollars by 2025, the market's growth is undeniable. Despite its expansion, the legal cannabis market remains intricate and controversial. There has been a steep increase in support for cannabis legalization over the last two decades in the U.S. and around the world. This study combines the “stigma turbine” theoretical framework with normative social behavior and market co-optation theories, proposing a categorization of consumption practices from stigmatized to destigmatized to normalized to normatized. By examining the destigmatization process, this framework offers insights applicable beyond cannabis, aiding scholars in understanding the dynamics of stigmatized behaviors and guiding policymakers and brand managers in navigating evolving perceptions and responses. We offer a few public policy implications that advocate for more research in the cannabis field that would educate consumers and increase awareness.


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How to Cite

Hughes, M. Üçok, & Pehlivan, E. (2025). Destigmatizing Cannabis: A Theoretical Exploration of Shifting Consumption Norms in the U.S. Legal Market. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 25(4).


