Consumer Privacy Expectations and the Impact on Buying Intentions


  • Edward L. Linde, II Marist College
  • William S. Brown Marist College
  • John C. Cary Marist College
  • Pamela J. Harper Marist College



management policy, data privacy, privacy preferences, privacy expectations, buying intentions


Based on past research and attitudinal theories, this study intends to investigate the effect of attitudes about data privacy protection and disclosure and the perception of corporate data privacy performance on future purchase intention. Additionally, it seeks to understand the relationship between purchase behavior intensity, personal data privacy concerns and privacy expectations (attitude). A total of 271 usable surveys were gathered from United States consumers and analyzed by two multiple linear regression models and correlation analysis. The results show that attitude (data privacy protection and disclosure responsibility) and perceptions about corporate data privacy performance predict purchase intention. Furthermore, past purchase behavior intensity and personal data privacy concerns influence corporate data privacy responsibility attitudes. This study extends the current data privacy literature by understanding how data privacy expectations (attitude) and data privacy performance perceptions impact purchase intent and are influenced by personal data privacy concerns and purchase behavior.


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How to Cite

Linde, II, E. L., Brown, W. S., Cary, J. C., & Harper, P. J. (2024). Consumer Privacy Expectations and the Impact on Buying Intentions. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 25(2).


