Goal-Framed Attitude and Sustainability Literacy in Shaping Circular Consumption Intention in Fast Fashion


  • Kathy Wilbourn University of North Texas
  • HaeJung Maria Kim University of North Texas
  • Kiseol Yang University of North Texas




marketing development, circular economy, fast fashion, goal-framed attitude, sustainability literacy


Adapting the circular economy to fast fashion requires transitioning to a responsible business model that reduces overstock and promotes a pro-environmental ‘less consumption’ trend. This study, grounded in the goal-framing theory (Lindenberg & Steg, 2007) examines how goal-framed attitudes and sustainability literacy influence consumers’ circular consumption intentions. Analyzing data from 299 Prolific respondents, multiple regression results showed that goal-framed attitudes toward ‘circular economy’ and ‘reliable information,’ alongside sustainability literacy on ‘circular initiatives’ and ‘environmental awareness,’ positively impact intentions to engage in circular product purchases and practices. Clustering analysis identified three circular-minded consumer groups with differing perceptions of goal-framed attitudes, sustainability literacy, and circular consumption intentions. Fast fashion consumers prioritize reliable information on circular economy goals, intending to adopt circular practices, such as the 6Rs (Reducing, Recycling, Repairing, Redesigning, Reselling, and Renting), which reinforce circular business models in fast fashion.


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How to Cite

Wilbourn, K., Kim, H. M., & Yang, K. (2024). Goal-Framed Attitude and Sustainability Literacy in Shaping Circular Consumption Intention in Fast Fashion. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.33423/jmdc.v18i4.7417


