The Creative Economy in Local Territories: Alibaba and Amazon in Territorial Competition, but Ideological Synergy to Bypass Democratic Governance


  • Bruno Lefèvre Sorbonne Paris Nord University
  • Louis Wiart Free University of Brussels (ULB)



marketing, development, digital and creative industries, digital platforms, political economy, local development, economic ecosystem


Alibaba and Amazon now dominate global e-commerce. Although their strategies partly differ, they are both territorializing their activities around sorting hubs and warehouses. This often creates tensions in local territories. In our research exploring the effects of these strategies, conducted in France and Belgium from 2019 to 2022, we hypothesized that the impacts of the digital industrialization of local and global trade go beyond sales and logistics; the concentration of these markets in the hands of two ultra-dominant actors reflects unequal power relations that are reconfiguring governance, public decision-making, and democracy, notably by obscuring the major challenges that territories face.


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How to Cite

Lefèvre, B., & Wiart, L. (2024). The Creative Economy in Local Territories: Alibaba and Amazon in Territorial Competition, but Ideological Synergy to Bypass Democratic Governance. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 18(3).


