Lean, Clean, and Green Business: An Examination of the Millennial Consumer’s Perception of Corporate Environmental Practices and Green Marketing Tactics


  • J.C. Blewitt King’s College
  • Alyssa Gesek King’s College




marketing, development, millennial marketing, environmental practices, corporate social responsibility


This article aims to add to the understanding of the corporation’s role in sustainability through the specific lens of the Millennial consumer. Millennials possess $170 billion in purchasing power and will become the most impactful generation on the economy and the environment in the coming decades. Understanding what efforts resonate the most with this key stakeholder group is critical. Further, marketing tactics and standards are examined. A need exists for authority and standardization in marketing green products, such that they are legitimized, not green-washing, and easy to understand for potential consumers. Several propositions are developed, and managerial implications and conclusions are advanced.


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How to Cite

Blewitt, J., & Gesek, A. (2024). Lean, Clean, and Green Business: An Examination of the Millennial Consumer’s Perception of Corporate Environmental Practices and Green Marketing Tactics. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jmdc.v18i3.7155


