Increasing Student Employability Through Strategic Curricular Innovations
leadership, accountability, ethics, employability, online education, curriculum, curricular innovation, student success, certifications, certificatesAbstract
Employability is an important indicator of the success of academic programs, and it can be improved through intentional curricular adjustments. This paper describes three case studies, all of which are aimed at increasing student employability during and after the completion of academic credentials at a university with open admissions that champions access to higher education among underserved populations. In case one, the goal was to bridge disciplines by developing a credential that would be relevant within multiple industries. Case two focused on aligning the content of a credential with industry certifications to prepare students to enter their chosen field of study more easily. In the final case, an industry certificate was incorporated into an academic program to support students’ entry into their chosen field before completing their degree. Lessons learned and next steps are discussed in the context of employability theory.
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