7Cups’ Support Services: A Critical Examination of the Risks and Ethical Concerns


  • Keagan Gilmore University of the People




leadership, accountability, ethics, 7Cups, emotional support, gender transition, teens, ethical concerns, mental health services


This critical examination scrutinizes the risks and ethical concerns surrounding 7Cups, an online platform providing emotional support to individuals globally. Through firsthand experience and scientific analysis, this report highlights several issues within 7Cups’ support services, including the facilitation of gender transition in teens, shortcomings in group chat room moderation, and inadequacies in listener training. Concerns arise regarding the potential harm caused by hasty recommendations for gender transition without proper evaluation, the lack of supervision in group chat rooms leading to ineffective support, and the absence of accountability and oversight for listeners, potentially resulting in harmful advice. The report underscores the need for a more personalized and comprehensive approach to emotional support, prioritizing ethical principles, and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of mental health services provided by platforms like 7Cups.


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How to Cite

Gilmore, K. (2024). 7Cups’ Support Services: A Critical Examination of the Risks and Ethical Concerns. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 21(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jlae.v21i3.7210


