Examining Psychological and Physical Distance and Ethical Leadership During a Pandemic: A Two-Sample Study of the Effects on Ratings of Crisis Leader Effectiveness, Well-Being, and Improved Business-Related Outcomes


  • Kate McCombs Samford University
  • Ethlyn Williams Florida Atlantic University
  • Raj Pillai California State University San Marcos
  • Kevin Lowe The University of Sydney




leadership, accountability, ethics, ethical leadership, distance leadership, crisis leadership, well-being


Amid the challenges posed by COVID-19, this research focuses on the role of ethical leadership in shaping perceptions of crisis leaders’ effectiveness, personal well-being, and business-related outcomes. In this two-sample study, we contrast political leadership at the highest level examining the ethical leadership of a distal executive (President Biden) and a proximal executive (CEO leadership) – advancing literature about why top management ethical leadership matters, the importance of moral and duty-based views, and distal or proximal leadership. This research expands our understanding of ethical leadership and prompts rethinking leadership roles, echoing the urgency to prioritize ethical leadership given its profound impact.


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How to Cite

McCombs, K., Williams, E., Pillai, R., & Lowe, K. (2024). Examining Psychological and Physical Distance and Ethical Leadership During a Pandemic: A Two-Sample Study of the Effects on Ratings of Crisis Leader Effectiveness, Well-Being, and Improved Business-Related Outcomes. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 21(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jlae.v21i3.7209


