Influential Article Review - The Relationship of Leader Creativity and Employee Loyalty


  • Neil Chapman
  • Lucia Mack


Creativity, Social cognitive theory, Human agency perspective, OCB, Efficacy


This paper examines leadership. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: As leader creativity is found to be effective at promoting outcomes for organizations, more and more organizations select creative individuals as leaders. However, the influence of leader creativity has not received enough attention. Thus, this research seeks to focus on the potential influences of leader creativity in organizations. Based on social cognitive theory, we explore the relationship between leader creativity and subordinate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). We find that leader creativity is positively related to subordinate OCB, and perceived team creative efficacy mediates the relationship. Moreover, creative self-efficacy moderates the relationships between perceived team creative efficacy and subordinate OCB. We then discuss implications and limitations, and suggest directions for future research. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German.




How to Cite

Chapman, N., & Mack, L. (2019). Influential Article Review - The Relationship of Leader Creativity and Employee Loyalty. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 16(6). Retrieved from


