Historical Development of Taxation From Ancient Times to Modern Day: Implications for the Future


  • David Kerr University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Dennis Lassila Texas A&M University
  • Katherine Taken Smith Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
  • Lawrence Murphy Smith Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi




accounting, finance, taxation history, tax types, empires, republics, civilization


This study examines the history of taxation, specifically how taxation was used over the centuries by major world civilizations. This study provides a comprehensive review of past and more recent studies, spanning the full length of tax history using a quasi-empirical approach, thereby offering a unique contribution to the academic literature. Theoretical foundations include Adam Smith’s Canons of Taxation, benefit theory, ability theory, and tax assignment theory. Implications are drawn for the future of taxation. Findings suggest that various forms of taxation played a critical role in amassing resources necessary to build and sustain world empires and republics. Implications are that this will continue. Excessive taxation was included as a factor in the downfall of some empires. World history might have taken a notably different direction without the revenues accumulated via taxation. Results will interest tax policy makers, academic tax researchers, law professors, and others concerned with the historicity of taxation. Results can also be used by accounting and legal educators.


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How to Cite

Kerr, D., Lassila, D., Smith, K. T., & Smith, L. M. (2025). Historical Development of Taxation From Ancient Times to Modern Day: Implications for the Future. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 25(1). https://doi.org/10.33423/jaf.v25i1.7510


