Competitive Strategy and Advantages


  • Yunus Emre Genç Giresun University



accounting, finance, Diamond Model, competitive strategy, strategic management, business


Companies continue their operations under rapidly changing conditions and significant uncertainties in today’s business environment. Faced with this ongoing change, businesses must constantly push themselves toward innovation and seek ways to cope with intense competition. Consequently, to sustain their existence, firms must anticipate environmental changes and strive for competitive advantage in a strong competitive environment. This situation appears to be contingent upon the ability to compete and achieve superiority. Today, achieving competitive advantage for businesses relies on making the right strategic choices. The strategy aims to control changes in a competitive economic environment by fostering innovation, progress, and alignment with the environment. Over the past 50 years, there has been increasing interest in strategy studies from a wide and diverse range of circles. Universities have opened numerous courses on strategy and related topics, with a growing number of academics and researchers conducting studies in this area. Managers and consultants are also increasingly inclined to adopt a more strategic perspective on managerial issues in the business world.


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How to Cite

Genç, Y. E. (2024). Competitive Strategy and Advantages. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 24(2).


