Strategic Partnerships of Nonprofit Organizations: A Comprehensive Literature Review


  • Janna Hoglund
  • Katrina Pann
  • Jill Bonds
  • Tami Beaty
  • Kennedy Maranga



business, economics, strategic partnerships, types of strategic partnerships, reasons for forming strategic partnerships, strategic partnerships cycle, success factors of strategic partnerships, failure factors of strategic partnerships, strategic partnerships of nonprofit organizations


This article draws from in-depth research for the doctoral dissertation “Successful Strategic Partnerships of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study.” Serving as a synthesis and sharing some of the content from this dissertation, it offers a comprehensive review of existing literature on the nature and dynamics of strategic partnerships within the nonprofit sector. The article begins by defining strategic partnerships, examining the diverse forms they can take, and exploring the motivations behind their formation. It further delves into the tangible benefits these partnerships can offer and addresses the common challenges organizations encounter in their collaborative efforts. Additionally, key success factors that enhance the effectiveness of these alliances are highlighted, as well as insights into why some partnerships fail to yield intended outcomes. With a particular emphasis on partnerships led by nonprofit leaders, this review underscores how thoughtful and well-constructed collaborations can amplify the missions of nonprofit organizations, streamline resource usage, and generate a broader community impact.


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How to Cite

Hoglund, J., Pann, K., Bonds, J., Beaty, T., & Maranga, K. (2025). Strategic Partnerships of Nonprofit Organizations: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 27(1).


