An Overview on the China Oil and Gas Market


  • Grasu Stelian ASE Bucharest



business, research, China oil and gas market, energy price evolution, China energy mix energy mix


The article presents China’s oil and gas market, outlining its legal framework regulatory authorities of the market transport and distribution entities. Furthermore, the article discusses the primary strengths of China’s oil and gas sector, including extensive government support, rising domestic demand, and substantial investments in both strategic reserves and international partnerships. It also identifies areas of vulnerability, such as heavy reliance on imports, regulatory unpredictability, aging infrastructure, and environmental concerns, which challenge industry stability. Lastly, the SWOT analysis highlights key opportunities for growth in technology and innovation and market liberalization identifying external and internal risks.


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How to Cite

Stelian, G. (2025). An Overview on the China Oil and Gas Market. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 27(1).


