A Practical Exploration of Work-Family Balance
business, economics, family-work conflict, work-family conflict, stress, and intention to stayAbstract
This paper analyzes the dimensions of work and family interrole conflicts and modified a process developed by Yavas, Babakus, and Karatepe (2008). The effects of work-family conflict (WFC), family-work conflict (FWC), and stress on intent to stay (ITS) with an organization were analyzed and tested. The paper (a) presents and tests a revised version of the work-family and family-work conflict model and provides support for associated hypotheses; (b) investigates how constructs of FWC, WFC, stress, and ITS to stay with an organization are related in keeping with the model; and (c) presents and discusses the results. Four implications for human resource development practice emerged as well as implications for theory and future research.
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