Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Employees: Evidence From Bangladesh


  • Zahidul Karim Jahangirnagar University, Texas A & M International University
  • Saha Iqbal Hossain Texas A & M International University
  • Sumaya Fatema Binte Shahid Jahangirnagar University



business, economics, emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, job performance, business organizations, Bangladesh


Drawing on trait emotional intelligence theory, this study explores the interplay of emotional intelligence (EI), job satisfaction (JS), and job performance (JP) in Bangladesh. Analyzing data from 402 employees and managers across various organizations, SEM analysis via WarpPLS and regression in SPSS reveal significant findings: EI positively influences both JS and JP. Moreover, JS partially mediates the EI-JP relationship. The study underscores the nuanced relationships among EI, JS, and JP, offering insights for scholars and managers into optimizing workplace dynamics. These findings contribute to understanding and leveraging emotional intelligence in enhancing job satisfaction and performance across diverse organizational settings.


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How to Cite

Karim, Z., Hossain, S. I., & Shahid, S. F. B. (2024). Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Employees: Evidence From Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(6).


