Social Mobility and Societal Impact: Transformative Initiatives at an AACSB Accredited College of Business at a Predominantly Black Institution


  • Jacob Chacko Clayton State University
  • Leon C. Prieto Clayton State University



business, economics, social mobility, societal impact, AACSB


This article explores the pivotal role of an AACSB-accredited business school at a predominantly Black institution in enhancing social mobility and addressing societal challenges through education and community engagement. It delves into how the institution integrates societal impact into its mission and curriculum, demonstrating a commitment to shaping students who are adept in business and conscious of their societal responsibilities. The article emphasizes a shift towards more socially responsive business education by aligning educational programs with real-world social issues. It highlights various initiatives and centers within the school that drive these efforts, fostering a deep connection between academic pursuits and community needs, ultimately enhancing social mobility and societal impact.


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How to Cite

Chacko, J., & Prieto, L. C. (2024). Social Mobility and Societal Impact: Transformative Initiatives at an AACSB Accredited College of Business at a Predominantly Black Institution. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(2).


