Simulation of Autonomous Industrial Vehicle Fleet Using Fuzzy Agents: Application to Task Allocation and Battery Charge Management
management, autonomous industrial vehicle, agent-based simulation, fuzzy agent, dynamic task allocation, battery charge management, Airport 4.0Abstract
The research introduces a multi-agent simulation that uses fuzzy inference to investigate the work distribution and battery charging control of mobile baggage conveyor robots in an airport in a comprehensive manner. Thanks to a distributed system, this simulation approach provides high adaptability, adjusting to changes in conveyor agent availability, battery capacity, awareness of the activities of the conveyor fleet, and knowledge of the context of infrastructure resource availability. Dynamic factors, such as workload variations and communication between the conveyor agents and infrastructure are considered as heuristics, highlighting the importance of flexible and collaborative approaches in autonomous systems. The results highlight the effectiveness of adaptive fuzzy multi-agent models to optimize dynamic task allocation, adapt to the variation of baggage arrival flows, improve the overall operational efficiency of conveyor agents, and reduce their energy consumption.
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