Exploring Collaborative Advantage: A Comprehensive Review and Synthesis of Research on Collaboration


  • Qian Xiao Eastern Kentucky University
  • Winston Xiao Zhuang Paul Laurence Dunbar High School




management, collaboration, collaborative advantage, collaborative inertia, collaboration capability


The paper aimed to identify three influential factors that will impact collaborative performance. The first conceptualization of collaboration is discussed to illustrate the nature of collaboration. In the further examination, three factors of collaboration capability, timing of collaboration and relationship structure are discussed that, if manipulated well, contribute to collaborative advantage. In the end of the paper, implications of this research are discussed briefly.


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How to Cite

Xiao, Q., & Zhuang, W. X. (2025). Exploring Collaborative Advantage: A Comprehensive Review and Synthesis of Research on Collaboration. American Journal of Management, 25(1). https://doi.org/10.33423/ajm.v25i1.7513


