A Competency Model for Assessing Six-sigma Implementation Readiness


  • Ziaul Huq University of Nebraska at Omaha


Management, Economics, Six-sigma


There is a hole in six-sigma literature as to what kind of competency is required to implement six-sigma, although six-sigma has been around for more than twenty years no framework has been developed to address this important research question. A framework for determining six-sigma competency, as it relates to leadership, workforce, organizational capability, data integrity, goal-setting, and above all experience in cohesive implementation of large scale process development projects will not only help companies to determine their readiness to adopt six-sigma, it will also help companies plan, design, launch, and implement six-sigma in future. The focus of this paper is on strategic decision making for sixsigma adoption, specifically, the route that companies must follow to assess their six-sigma readiness. The general six-sigma implementation model DMAIC does not address the competency issues, we propose a new model that will not only help companies & organizations to assess their six-sigma readiness, it will also help them build competency. To test the proposed model we look at two companies, one where six-sigma was successfully implemented and the other where six-sigma was a failed attempt. The paper traces the strategic, tactical, and control decision making process followed at both the companies. Findings from these company studies validate the proposed competency model.




How to Cite

Huq, Z. (2017). A Competency Model for Assessing Six-sigma Implementation Readiness. American Journal of Management, 17(5). Retrieved from https://mail.articlegateway.com/index.php/AJM/article/view/1723


